tête bonnet - is a family duet of daughter and mother based in Russia and United Kingdom.  

Anastasiia Orlova came up with the brand in 2021 while on maternity leave with her two children: “My mother is retired. As long as I can remember, she always looked stylish. Mom has been knitting bonnets for more than fifty years - it is symbolic that this was the very first thing she knitted. Turquoise, thin and fluffy: she, a sixth-grader, sewed a lining inside from a piece of foam rubber so that the bonnet would be warmer. When I was a kid, my mother sewed clothes and knitted hats for the whole family. But with the advent of the mass market, she quit doing it.  

When I came up with the idea of ​​tête bonnet, my mother supported it with pleasure. Now three more grandmothers, craftswomen aged 65-88, are working in this project together.

We love to choose unusual yarns for our products - that’s how we came to our most beautiful sequin bonnets”.